Placing Doors on Corner Cabinets


There are two types of corner cabinets. An angle front cabinet has a single angled opening that goes between the two wings. Placing doors on an angle front corner cabinet is essentially the same as placing them on a base or upper cabinet.


The second type of corner cabinet, the corner front, has two surfaces at an angle to each other. There are some additional considerations when placing doors on this type of cabinet.


Begin by noticing that you can highlight each front face of the cabinet separately. Doors are installed in each of these openings separately.




The sequence you use to install the doors in these openings determines how they fit and overlap in the center. Let’s look at the various options available.


If you install the doors, one at a time, the first door installed goes all the way to the corner and the second door is made shorter to overlap the first.


For the cabinet shown on top, the left door was installed first and then the right door was installed.


On the bottom cabinet shown the right hand door was installed first and then the left door was added. Notice that this time the left door overlaps the right hand door.


In either of these cases, the gap between doors is the Door to Door Gap set in Door/Drawer Settings.


The software also allows for a Double Right or Double Left door. These are doors hinged on the right and center or hinged on the left and center.


They open on either the right or the left with the second door attached by a hinge to the first door.

The result of adding this type of door is shown here.


The gap where the corners of the doors meet and the method of measuring the gap are shown to the left.


The Door to Door Gap specified in the Door/Drawer Settings is measured from the corner of each door to the theoretical point at which the faces of the door intersect.


Another option for corner cabinets is a Lazy Susan door.


A Lazy Susan door is normally an inset door in which both doors are permanently attached to the Lazy Susan.


The actual placement and spacing is the same as for a Double Right (or Left) door.


You must specify an inset for a Lazy Susan door and allow sufficient gaps for the door to clear the ends or face frame when the Lazy Susan is rotated.


The primary difference in a Lazy Susan door is that no hinges are added to the cabinet for the doors, even if default hinges are specified.


In the case of a Double Left or Right door, only the primary hinges for the door that attaches to the cabinet are automatically added to the Buy List.


The hinge arrangement required between the doors must be added separately using the Add Item function.

The final type of door that can be added to a corner cabinet is a Double Door.


These are added in much the same manner as a single door, highlighting one side at a time and adding the door.


As with the single door, the side added first goes all the way to the corner and the side added last overlaps the first.